Gaming with locals: Bangkok

If you are ever in Bangkok, make a short trip to a store named Battlefield Bangkok. Take the BTS line and get off at Punnawithi station.


Take Exit B and walk along the road past car stores and MacDonalds, then turn left at Sukhumvit 101/1, and walk till you arrive at a pale orange building with the sign Golden Pearl Hotel.


The store is on the second level and has been there since 2009. We arrived, unsure of what we would see, but quickly we realized it is several kinds of awesome.


Nat sits at the centre, and we eventually made friends with him talking about RPGs.

They have space for playing games (3 rooms in fact), and one super long wargaming table complete with terrain and miniatures just waiting to be played!


Boardgames line the shelves; walls of shelves selling boardgames, and another separate set of shelves carrying boardgames that people can borrow to play at the store. As it was, several groups were playing games like Civilisation, Hey, That’s My Fish, and Dungeon Quest when we entered. One group just finished Lords of Waterdeep. There were players of different nationalities there.



Nat also tells us that RPGs are played in English, so no worries about not knowing the Thai language to join! It’s an excellent place to chill, play games and meet new folks. Weekends are LCG tournament and RPG days, so do check it out! I know we will definitely drop by for an RPG session the next time we go to Bangkok. (:


Check out their website here.
