Kickstarter: Bones II miniatures by Reaper

Hubs (AC) and I jumped on the crazy bandwagon of Bones this time when they launched their second kickstarter – it was more monsters than humanoid figures, to complement their Bones I campaign.

We’re getting (miniature) truckloads of minis, and I CANNOT WAIT. I was so excited I had already begun researching about painting on Bones material and getting inspiration for colour palettes even before the campaign ended.

There are a couple of outstanding pieces, and one of the mega highlights – and I mean MEGA – is the huge diorama of a incensed dragon and greedy adventurers on ruins. Let the pictures speak for themselves:


Before the campaign ended I was telling AC how incredulous it is that there wasn’t a wicked spider sculpt included in either campaign. Well, that conversation was cut short when we woke up and the campaign had ended and in the 4 hours after we had gone to bed they had added Cardirith the spider as an add-on purchase!!


I AM SO STOKED about this. In any case, the campaign is over and we will get the minis next year – right now Reaper is asking all backers to confirm their pledges (they are allowing us to increase our pledges by paying through PayPal), which is a smart move. I myself have added 88 USD to my pledge. Can’t imagine how much the other 14,000+ backers will add.

In the meantime, I have my Bones townsfolk to paint (thanks LC!)! They are prepped and I’ll put up an article on my experience painting them.

Bones townsfolk (miniatures)

I HAVE A BUNCH OF TOWNSFOLK YAYYY – which LC generously gave to me! TOO AWESOME.

Here’s some of them:

When the liquid material is cast into a mould to make the miniature, some of that liquid can seep in between the mould, creating a flash line.

You can see that the flash lines on one of the miniatures (holding the pitchfork) are HUGE. The rest have very small flash lines. These lines (even the small ones!) need to be removed before painting, otherwise the paint will accentuate the lines and make them look less realistic.

While my xacto knife here can cut it quite cleanly; I needed really good lighting in order to cut it as close as possible to the figure and not into it instead, since Bones miniatures are flexible and soft.

I’m going to use these guys for roleplaying, so I’ll update when I’m painting them! Follow me on Twitter at @gamermins to see my #miniaturemonday updates, where I post photos of miniatures I’ve painted. One every week!